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Fix backyard stormwater drainage problems

If you have stormwater problems around your home a plumber can install new drains to help clear any standing water, see how.

A plumber in Sydney that can install a new stormwater drain

  • Solve stormwater drainage problems


  • A plumber can install new stormwater drainage


  • Make sure your home doesn’t get water damage
Plumber in Sydney that can solve stormwater drainage problems
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This home owner in Epping, Sydney was experiencing stormwater problems at the rear of the house every time it rained. They called Nu-Trend to see if our team of licensed plumbers could solve the drainage problems. We managed to come up with a relatively simple stormwater drainage repair solution that would ensure any water would flow into the underground drainage line.

What can cause stormwater drainage problems around a home in Sydney?

Water has to drain away quickly so you don’t damage your property
Nu-Trend is a licensed 
plumber in Sydney that can solve stormwater drainage problems. You might not see it, but every surface around your property will have a degree of ‘fall’. This is a gradient that will make sure water flows in a certain direction and in most cases it will be away from the building and towards the stormwater drainage system locations that were built during construction.

It is important to make sure water can flow quickly into stormwater drains and away from the building so that it doesn’t pool or in extreme cases, create flooding. As soon as you do renovations or add other obstacles on pathways, driveways or other areas you can change the effectiveness of that drainage. 

For this property everything had been working fine for many, many years although in the last 12 months a huge new home was built behind this house. So before there was a huge backyard where any rain would soak into the ground, so very little water would flow into the property. Once the new home was built, there was a new swimming pool and outdoor living area built behind it, these were new hard surfaces that change the dynamic of both properties when it comes to water drainage.

Every time it rains the owner noticed there was water sitting near a downpipe, they thought it was a gutter leak, but after checking everything it was pretty obvious the pathway down the side of the house wasn’t coping with getting water washing away. So two things needed to be done;

a) Excavate the pathway to make sure it had the right fall going away from the property

b) Install a new stormwater strip drain that connect to the stormwater line that the down pipe was using.

By doing these two things it would help any excess water put into the stormwater system quickly and if there was an overflow it would run away from the home quite easily.



How can a plumber install a strip drain to fix stormwater drainage problems

Plumbers can install new stormwater drains
You don’t need a builder to install a stormwater drain, in fact you are better off contracting a licensed plumber in Sydney to install stormwater drains. A plumber will have the required experience, tools and knowledge to understand how to manage water in and around a property correctly. They are used to locating the right plumbing, sewage and water supply lines for a property to then make changes, additions or repair them.

What drain system does a plumber use to fix stormwater problems

What types of drains can you use?

Luckily for this property owner the stormwater down pipe for their house guttering was right next to where the water was pooling. So the decision was easy when it came to deciding how to solve the problem; install a new strip drain and connect it to the existing stormwater line. 

Strip drains can be purchased in various lengths and then cut to size to fit the required space. They are designed to be cut into the required shape and then have various shape connectors added so they can be added to the existing plumbing system that is in place. For this installation it would mean the strip drain would be directly connected to the storm water line that was running down the side of the house.

One of the most popular products that people buy is from the brand EasyDRAIN who make different types to suit various applications for a home, industrial site or retail shop location. Take a look at their latest brochure to see all the options available. As you will see there are straight lengths, corner pieces, units with metal grates and more. Any of these can be installed by a plumber once the groundwork has been prepared.

Once that was done, the down pipe would need to be adjusted slightly so the two points could merge into the existing pvc plumbing. The strip drain then has a simple ‘strip’ that is placed along the top to keep debris and other items from entering the pipes.

Will a plumber install a stormwater pit or strip drain?

A stormwater pit might be more suitable

In many respects there is no right or wrong way to approach a stormwater problem. Like any building, renovating or repair project there might be a few different ways to solve the issue. In this case the choice was made to install a small strip drain that would catch excess water from the existing cement path.

The alternative idea may have been to install a stormwater pit instead, this would have had a larger capacity while also requiring more labour time to install. A pit will capture a larger volume of water and is normally used in driveways or where a large expanses of hard surface needs to have water drain very quickly.

A stormwater put could have been installed down the site of the house with a new concrete path also built that channelled water into the pit.

What if you need a stormwater drain but there isn't a down pipe nearby?

In this situation it was a relatively quick fix because the storm water plumbing was right next to the problem area. If that wasn’t the case then the plumber would need to dig a trench to reach the stormwater line and this might mean digging into the ground, through concrete or even under a house. It all depends on the existing site conditions and where everything is located.

If you don’t know where your sewer lines are, then a plumber can either request for a copy of the plans from Sydney Water or try and identify their locations on site using their experience or a CCTV digital snake camera.

How much does it cost to install a new stormwater drain?

For this strip drain installation it took about three hours labour to complete plus the time needed to get the materials, so the cost was around $900 with the excavation taking the most time to complete. Although every situation will be different as the amount of work will differ by site & situation.
One of our licensed plumbers can visit your home to provide a free, written, quotation to estimate what is required for your situation.

The choices will vary too.

For this property the strip drain was installed along the edge of the existing footpath, this was relatively easy to do because the path down the side of the home was earth & had not been concreted. This was a cost effective solution and the alternative choice would have been to install a new concrete foot path down the side of the home that had a stormwater pit placed in the middle of it. The benefit of that solution would be a solid path that can be shaped to get water to fall naturally into the stormwater pit, it would be more efficient compared to a strip drain. Although it would also cost more, so that is why we always give people a choice when it comes to plumbing repairs.


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Plumber | Renovator | Drainer | Gas fitter

Nu-Trend is a company in Sydney that has provided plumber and bathroom renovation services since 2009. The Directors Rob and Rick are hands-on, providing a personal service.

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Rick and Rob are the hands-on directors for Nu-Trend. Rather than hire sub-contractors and manage their business from a distant office, they are on the tools, at your site & working towards delivering your bathroom renovation or plumbing service. It means you are talking directly to the owners of the business, the guys who are accountable and responsible rather than via email or through customer service teams.

It is why they are able to provide a written guarantee that demonstrates their confidence in standing by the quality of their workmanship and the service they deliver to every single client.

They have a very single minded commitment to deliver a high level of professionalism and quality, they’ve been doing renovation contracting in Sydney since 2009.

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We are a bathroom renovator in Sydney that has completed thousands of bathroom renovations.

Nu-Trend has been operating since 2009 as an independent bathroom renovation and plumbing contractor in Sydney. Rick and his team provide a wide range of services for home owners in houses, units, apartments or businesses.

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